15 Outdoor Activities for Kids: Things Your Kids Will Actually WANT to Do!

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This post is all about outdoor activities for kids that your kids will actually want to do!

outdoor activities for kids

We just had our first warm weekend, and it made me so excited for the upcoming warm summer days and the kids getting to play outside again. Each year, as my kids age, the outdoor activities they are interested in change. It got me thinking about what they might be into this summer. Whatever it is, I want them to spend time outside rather than sitting inside on devices or video games. So, if you’re like me and you want to ensure your kids enjoy a lot of outdoor time this summer, check out my list of ideas for outdoor activities for kids! No matter your kids’ age, there is something for everyone on this list, as these are all things my own kids have been into over the years.

My list of the top 15 Outdoor Activities for Kids.

These outdoor activities for kids are sure to get your kids begging to go outside!

1. Spikeball

Spikeball was a major hit with my kids. The kids even organized and held some intense Spikeball tournaments with friends. The cool thing about this game is that you can play it inside or outside, and it keeps your kids active!

2. Magnet Fishing

Have you ever heard of magnet fishing? My kids discovered magnet fishing on YouTube, and after watching countless videos of other people magnet fishing, they wanted to have their own magnet fishing gear! It’s such an affordable activity and a neat adventure for kids. Be sure an adult supervises the young ones.

magnet fishing

My kids out magnet fishing! 😎

If you’re interested in learning more about magnet fishing, here is the YouTuber that my kids love to watch magnet fish: https://www.youtube.com/@DALLMYD.

3. Fishing

Fishing is always a fun activity for kids! If you have a community fishing pond, take your kids fishing for an afternoon!

4. Ladder Toss

My kids both really love Ladder Toss! It is a must-have for all families, as it is so easy to set up and loads of fun for all ages!

5. Cornhole

Another favorite among my kids is Cornhole! Endless hours of fun!

6. Scooters

My kids were both really into pro scooters. They would spend hours at our local skatepark scootering and doing tricks. They both ended up getting really good, too! Buy your kid a good pro scooter, and your child will have a blast! (I highly recommend the Mongoose scooters linked below. We went through a lot of the cheaper scooters, and we really had the best luck with these.)

7. Skateboarding

My kids learned to skateboard and had so much fun learning tricks and spending time at the skatepark. It was also really neat to visit other bigger skateparks when we traveled to different cities. Believe it or not, we actually built a halfpipe in the backyard! I’m not kidding; we really built a halfpipe in the backyard. Check out how we built our halfpipe here: “Our Super Rad DIY Backyard Halfpipe (Mini Ramp)

8. Bike Rides

Get everyone involved and go on a bike ride! If your kids are adventurous, get them a nice mountain bike and take them to a bike trail!

9. Disc Golf

If you have a local disc golf course, I highly recommend this activity for kids! Kids of all ages can play, and mine always have a blast playing disc golf! You can get a really nice disc golf starter kit that comes with the driver, mid-range, and putter discs for under $30 on Amazon!

10. Electric Scooters

I don’t think it’s a secret that kids love electric scooters. While electric scooters don’t really get kids active, at least they get them outdoors!

Check out this great option! For younger kids, check out the lower speed children’s version here: Kid’s Electric Scooter

11. Explore

It’s always a fun activity for kids to go exploring! Pack up and spend the day exploring if you have a river, lake, or woods nearby. Hunt for seashells, cool rocks, lizards, tadpoles, frogs and more! Grab an exploration kit equipped with fishing nets and buckets to store your findings! Your kids will have a blast!

12. Build

My kids always like to build things and can spend hours working on a building project. If you have some extra wood lying around, let them be creative and see what they can build! Grab a kids’ tool kit so they’ll have all the tools they need when they get the itch to build!

13. Squirt Guns and Water Balloons

A squirt gun or water balloon fight is always a favorite for kids! Level up with these over-the-top electric squirt guns or rapid fill Bunch-O-Balloon kit!

14. Inflatable Water Slides

When my kids were younger, we had a huge blow-up inflatable water slide. They absolutely loved playing on this thing! It was also super handy to have for parties.

15. Above-Ground Swimming Pool

Invest in an above-ground swimming pool. Above-ground pools are so affordable and easy to set up. My kids spent hours playing in our above-ground pool each year!

I really believe that it is important for kids to spend time outdoors, and I’m always looking for fun new outdoor activities for kids. When I remember my childhood, so many of my best memories were made playing outside! I want that to be the way my children remember their childhood too!

Hopefully, you’ve found something from this list that you can try with your kids! Do you have other outdoor activities that your kids enjoy? I would love to hear from you! Drop me a comment below!

This post was all about outdoor activities for kids.

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