How to Build a Garage Batting Cage

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This post is all about how to build a garage batting cage.

garage batting cage

Have you ever wanted to build a batting cage in your garage?  Having a batting cage in the garage is seriously so convenient.  The kids can go out and get cuts in whenever they want, and it’s also great for holding hitting lessons.  So, if you have some extra space in your garage, why not use it for a batting cage?  Keep reading to learn more about how we built our batting cage, the materials and nets we used, and how we are currently using it!  I’ve also included plenty of photos of our cage, so you can build one too!

Table of Contents

Why did we build a garage batting cage?

The main reason why we decided to build a batting cage in our garage was to hold hitting lessons.  Finding a facility to meet people at for hitting lessons was inconvenient and took a lot of time.  It would be way easier and take far less time if hitting clients could come directly to us.  We recently purchased a new house, and when we did, we specifically made sure we would have room to build a substantial detached garage in the backyard for the batting cage.  If you’re interested in learning about our experience building our detached garage, I’ll be posting about that soon, so be sure to check back.   

How much space do you need?

Honestly, we would have loved to have more space, but due to property boundaries, we were constrained to build our detached garage 31’ x 29’.  So, our batting cage is not very long, but honestly it still works really well for us at that size.

What supplies are required?

You will need the following items:

Essential Supplies

These supplies are essential.

Other Related Supplies and Equipment

Here are some other supplies/equipment that you are going to want to have for your batting cage.

*See more information and links to supplies and equipment at end of post: Jump to supplies info

Completed garage batting cage photos

Check out these photos of our completed cage! See below each photo for additional information and specific details about the batting cage!

garage batting cage inside view

View of the cage from the back.

batting cage in garage from the side

Side view of the cage. We added additional mesh nets to both the front and the back of the cage as seen in this photo. These mesh nets help a ton to slow the balls, so they don’t hit the walls.

L-screen setup in garage

View from the back corner of the batting cage with the L-screen. This L-screen was purchased from Net World Sports and is a really nice screen!

batting cage nets with carabiner clip hooks

View looking up at the batting cage nets.

carabiner hooks for batting cage

Close-up view of the carabiner and cables used to hold the nets of the batting cage. We added multiple carabiner’s to lower the net. It was really just trial and error to figure out what height we needed to hang the net to stop balls from hitting the ceiling.

batting cage net tension cables on wall

View of how the tension cables that support the batting cage nets are attached to the wall.

thick net from net world sports

Notice how thick the batting cage net is. The thicker the batting cage net, the more it will be able to absorb and slow down balls. We opted for the thickest option, since we were trying to make our batting cage as big as possible and fully utilize our available space.

cage nets on tension cables

We used three cables to hang our batting cage net. Using three cables works perfectly to ensure balls can’t hit the ceiling. You can also see a close-up of our light wire guards. These are heavy-duty and fully protect our lights!

retractable nets on tension cables

In this photo the batting cage is pushed forward a little bit. Building this style of garage batting cage is nice because you can retract the batting cage and get it out of the way whenever you want. You’ll also notice that there is an additional net on the right side of this photo. We added a second smaller cage that can be used for tee work when we have multiple kids attending a hitting lesson.

What is the cost of building a garage batting cage?

Building a garage batting cage is not terribly expensive, but the supplies do add up.  For just the essentials (see list above) the cost for the garage batting cage was approximately $900. This cost is only for one cage, and does not include the L-screen or any other equipment.

Benefits of a garage batting cage

We just really love our indoor cage. It is perfect for holding hitting lessons.  We even built a second batting area, so we can have multiple kids working at a time.  We’ve hosted open hitting with numerous kids, and everyone can cycle through and get their cuts in.  It has been so awesome to have the batting cage right in the backyard for our teenage softball player and youth baseball player!  No excuses, right!?! 😉 It’s also a HUGE BONUS that we can slide the cage all the way up to the wall when we are not using it, which allows us to fully utilize our garage space when needed.

Important advice

If you are considering building a cage, here is some advice that we think is important. 

  1. Do not skimp on the nets.  Buy thick and durable nets.  We recommend nets from Net World Sports
  2. Protect your Lights
  3. Have Fun!

Overall, we are really pleased with our batting cage!  You just can’t beat the convenience of having hitting clients come directly to your house and always having the cage available for the kids.  We were worried about the size, as we obviously would have liked to build it bigger.  However, the size has not really been an issue.  We’re able to do short toss drills and tee work easily.  It’s been so awesome having a batting cage in the garage! 

Supplies and Equipment Options

Here are some of the supplies and equipment that you may need for this project

Tension Cable kit


Baseballs and Softballs

Ball Bucket

Batting Tee


Or this really great quality L-screen from Net World Sports:

Flooring – Turf or Foam Mats

Batting Mat

Are you going to build a cage or have you already? We’d love to hear from you.  Drop us a comment below.

This post was all about building a garage batting cage.

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